18-22 October 2021 is Nuclear Science Week and WiN Australia is ready to celebrate!
Throughout the week we will be hosting Science Story Time, with members of the WiN Australia Exec reading some of our favourite kids science book. We will be sharing a new story each day across our social media channels – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram – and they will be available on our YouTube channel.
On 19 October join WiN Australia for a “Lunch and Learn” webinar with Dr Ceri Brenner.
Dr Brenner leads the Centre for Accelerator Science – ANSTO’s research infrastructure platform dedicated to ion beam accelerator applications that enable research and innovation communities to explore the past, understand the present, and design solutions and technology for the future. Dr Brenner will share with us her career journey from a PhD student at Harwell in the UK to leading Australia’s Centre for Accelerator Science.
Register now for this event!